What can I do for you?
Light and regular :
1.5-2 hrs
For domestic and offices: High and low dusting, dishes put away, surfaces disinfected and wiped down, bins emptied and cleaned inside/outside and all mirrors and chrome polished , windows cleaned and If stock is provided: replenishing toilet rolls and paper-towel dispensers. Also floors mopped and vacuumed, if applicable.
Great for: Families, businesses, busy professionals and the elderly.
( Ar gyfer domestig a swyddfeydd: llwch uchel ac isel, prydau wedi'u rhoi i ffwrdd, arwynebau diheintio a sychu i lawr, biniau gwagio a glanhau y tu mewn/y tu allan a phob drych a chrome sgleinio, ffenestri glanhau ac Os darperir stoc: ailgyflenwi rholiau toiled a pheiriannau tywel papur. Hefyd lloriau wedi'u dopio a'u gwagio, os yw'n berthnasol. )
Tough and targeted:
This is a specialized service for specific appliances and objects. Fridges, ovens, BBQ s etc. Household relevant objects and appliances only.
Great for: Mental blocks , seasonal family engagements and maintenance of prized household equipment.
( Mae hwn yn wasanaeth arbenigol ar gyfer offer a gwrthrychau penodol. Oergelloedd, poptynau, barbeciw ac ati. Eitemau ac offer perthnasol i'r cartref yn unig. )
Deep clean :
2-3 hrs
Bringing your environment up to a clean and very presentable standard as listed in light, regular clean. This takes a little more time and effort, so will require a (free) consultation to assess the level of deep cleaning required.
Great for: House inspections, end of tenancy move, spring clean- out.
( Dod â'ch amgylchedd i safon lân a phresennol iawn fel y'i rhestrir mewn golau ac yn rheolaidd glân. Mae hyn yn cymryd ychydig mwy o amser ac ymdrech, felly bydd angen ymgynghoriad (am ddim) i asesu lefel y glanhau dwfn sydd ei angen. )
Please note!
Customers will need to have a mop and sweeping brush and/ or vacuum on site. Currently mobile bike.
(Bydd angen i gwsmeriaid gael mop a brwsh ysgubol a / neu wactod ar y safle. Beic symudol ar hyn o bryd. )
Coming soon … window cleaning.
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